Focus T25 Workout Program Review

T25 Workout

I have now completed Focus T25 Alpha and Beta, and I am thrilled to announce I am in the most incredible shape of my life. I had written a Focus T25 Review about a month ago to explained what was included in the program, but I hadn't really had a chance to complete the entire workout yet! Fast forward 10 weeks, and Focus T25 is now in the bag, and I am loving it.

First Few Weeks of Focus T25

The first few weeks of Focus T25 were AWESOME. I think this is the trick and why Focus T25 works so well to be honest. Right out of the gate, Focus T25 gets you engaged and loving the workout. Most workouts I have done before like INSANITY or P90X require a long time! 60 minutes, 90 minutes… way too long for people that are just getting started with fitness. With Focus T25, I found myself right at home, and had a chance to learn the movements and the workouts over the first few weeks

Focus T25 Weeks Four and Five

I found that weeks four and five were starting to get a little easier for me, which was good since I am in pretty decent shape, so I couldn't wait to get into the Beta Phase of the Focus T25 workout. I would have to say that my favorite workout of the Focus T25 Alpha phase is Lower Focus. It's a great workout that you can do and really feel it in the lower sections of your body. Below is the Focus T25 Schedule for the Alpha phase of the workout program.

Focus T25 Schedule - Alpha Phase
Focus T25 Schedule – Alpha Phase

Focus T25 Alpha Phase Review

When I hit week 6, I needed a change, and change is exactly what I got thanks to Focus T25. Things get HARD, and now the test really begins. Speed 2.0 was definitely my favorite workout, and if you get the Focus T245 workout program from me, you actually get the bonus Speed 3.0 workout as well! With Beta, you basically speed up the workouts, perform more reps of each move, and really kick things up a notch. Dynamic Core is also a new one, where you fill find yourself gasping for air, and concentrating on turning your dreams a reality.

Focus T25 Beta Schedule
Focus T25 Beta Schedule


About the author

Canada's first and only 4x Elite Beachbody Coach, Member of The Millions Club, Coach Advisory Board Member, Beachbody Leadership Award Recipient. Let me help you get in the best shape of your life. Add me on Facebook if you'd like to chat about Beachbody. I'm here to serve you and help you!

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